Wooded Landscape

Wooded Landscape

  • Our team created terraced areas for planting using natural stone to remedy the dramatic elevation change between their newly-constructed, custom home and Crooked Creek that runs through the back of their property.
  • In addition to the terraces, we installed two sets of Napoleon limestone stairs to compliment the dry-stacked Napoleon wall stone and Indiana Granite boulders.
  • The fire pit area was existing, but we installed some Napoleon boulders that not only retain the slope, but also serve as seats for social gatherings around the fire pit.
  • Our team constructed an Oklahoma flagstone seating area adjacent to their composite deck.  This created the perfect location for their Big Green Egg table and gives them a better view of Crooked Creek and the fire pit area below.
  • All the planting on this project was completed by the homeowners who are very avid gardeners and frequent shoppers of our Landscape Center.

Warranty Info

We take pride in the plants we grow right here at our nursery, and we are here to help you achieve success with your new plants! Please review the details on our limited retail warranty and plant care instructions.